Everyone can do something!
Everyone can do something!
Whether you feel like God might be calling you to mentor an at-risk teen, walk alongside a single mom facing an unplanned pregnancy, bring a monthly meal to a foster family, commit to praying for families, or even to open up your own home to a child as a foster, adoptive, or safe family, we encourage you to lean into that calling!
Sign up for CarePortal
-Recieve alerts when needs arise.
-Support vulnurable children
-Strengthen families
-Prevent children from entering foster care
Be a Meal Support Volunteer
- Serve once a month
-Sign up as a care community group or individual
-Provide dinner for a busy foster family
Support Unexpected Pregnancies
- Volunteer at Choice's
-Participate in the Walk for Life
-Donate Baby Items
Become a Foster, Adoptive or Safe Family
-Ranging form short term to forever care, what would it look like to bring a child into your home.
Our Why
Our why is simple: The Gospel
Our why is simple: The Gospel
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8
“The world tells us to avoid hard and broken things - to protect our families from them. But the gospel suggests something entirely different. Jesus saw us in our brokenness and sinfulness, and did not step away from us. Instead, He entered our world - experienced our brokenness and took it upon Himself. He didn’t move away from us, He moved toward us and He calls us to do that for others. Jesus saw us in our brokenness, He embraced our weakness, He adopted us into His family, and changed the course of our lives forever."
Want to get more information about the impact you can make?