Thank you so much for prioritizing Harvest in your generous giving. Your consistency provides stability, strength and support to the multitude of ministries at Harvest. Lives are being changed because of you!
GENEROUS LIVING a reflection of your heart. (Matthew 6:19-20) a privilege. (2 Corinthians 8:2-4,7) faith in action. (Acts 4:32-35)
What you'll find in generous living is a path that takes you closer to God, always unfolding in new and exciting ways.
This safe and flexible option is the easiest way to give at Harvest. This method allows you to charge either your debit or credit card (that you pay off every month) or bank account. Harvest is charged the lowest fees possible if you give online by bank transfer.
Place your check or cash in the offering during any weekend worship service. For your convenience, offering envelopes are available as you enter the main worship entrance. If you would like offering envelopes, email us or call 407.502.2123.
You can set up Harvest as a payee from your bank’s BillPay feature or send a personal check by mail. Please use the memo section to indicate the fund you would like to give to.
Please mail donations to:
Harvest Community Church
11002 Lake Hart Dr. Mail Code 400
Orlando, FL 32832
If you have stocks, bonds, precious metals, vehicles or any other assets that you would like to donate to Harvest, please contact the church office at 407.502.2123 or email us.
To put it in simple terms, it's what God tells us to do. A common error of thought for many Christians is that we are giving to God a portion of what is ours. In truth, the tithe is not ours to give to God, but is God’s for us to give back. We consider it a privilege to have it to give back to Him as it represents a tangible acknowledgement that everything we have belongs to Him.
Your generosity will help spread The Gospel to so many people and places, around the corner, and around the world. It will also result in more return here than any other place—a return evident in lives changed for eternity.
(Matthew 6:19-20; 2 Corinthians 8:2-4,7 and 9:6-8)
In Proverbs 3:9-10, God’s Word instructs us to give Him the very first and best part of the income He has blessed us with. If we tithe on our "net" we are putting other expenses and deductions above the tithe and not making God first in our giving or in our finances.
There is a clear biblical difference between tithes and offerings. The Bible mentions both of them separately, even though the Lord required both to be brought to Him. For an individual, a tithe is the tenth of all the income that God provides. For a business owner, total income would be the profit or net earnings from the business.
Offerings are gifts given to God above the tithe. There are people who God has blessed financially who may be able to give 20%, 30% or even more of their income and still live comfortably.
All debit or credit card information you enter and store for online giving is secured. No one has access to your data unless authorized by you.
Nope. You will not be charged any additional costs, and no fees or charges will be deducted from your donation.
Yes you can. We have two funds you can give to. The Harvest General fund or the Advance campaign. If you are giving by check, please write which fund you are giving to in the memo field.
Absolutely. The online giving form requires personal information which we store in an encrypted and secure database. We do not rent, sell or share ANY of your personal information to ANY third-party for ANY reason.
Used within the appropriate parameters, debit and credit cards can be an efficient tool for payments and purchases. Many people utilize them in place of checks, and then pay off the balance in full each month. We strongly discourage those who have ongoing credit card debt from using this option.
If you have questions about your giving account or need assistance, please email