21 Days of Prayer - 2023

Welcome to Harvest's 21 Days of Prayer challenge! We expect God to work in and through you and our church as we kick off the new year with prayer.


Often we struggle with knowing how to pray. We set aside time to do so but after a few minutes of rattling through whatever requests come to mind, our mind wanders to other things. We look at the time and realize we’ve only been praying for a few minutes. Now what? 


Also, when you pray, does it seem like you’re just praying the same thing day after day? Do you wonder what else you should pray for anyway? Read this verse about what happens for everyone who knows Jesus as Savior:


“In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit” (Ephesians 1:13 ESV).”


Think about it. If you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit dwells in you. He works within you, helping you desire to talk to your Heavenly Father! So why do we get stuck in a prayer rut? 


While there might be many reasons our prayer life stagnates, sometimes it’s not a problem with you but with your method. Over these 21 Days of Prayer, I invite you to try on a particular method of prayer. Each day you'll pray Scripture. 


I believe that leveraging his powerful Word (the Bible) can help you break out of the rut and better connect with God in prayer. Here’s the idea: simply read through a passage of Scripture and pause at each verse to make it a prayer. 


In general, you can use this method with any part of the Bible. Are you already working through a reading plan? You could use the praying Scripture method with whatever chapter you're already reading. Or, consider praying through the book of Psalms. This amazing book is a compilation of prayers and songs that create an excellent springboard for this method. 


In 21 Days of Prayer, we encourage you to use the provided daily readings.


Also, register to let us know you're in and we'll send some text updates along the way! 


Here are a few tips:

  • Don’t overcomplicate it! Read a line, and pray what comes to mind.
  • If you don’t understand the meaning of a verse, move on to the next one.
  • Pray, don’t interpret. While correctly interpreting the Bible is essential for your discipleship, it is your primary goal in praying Scripture. In this practice, your primary activity is prayer, not Bible study.
  • Read one verse and pause to talk to God about whatever it prompts. Once you have turned that verse into a prayer, read the next verse to do the same. 
  • If your mind wanders, reread the verse and then move on. 
  • What if you don’t understand a verse or nothing comes to mind to pray? Just keep moving!


That's enough information to introduce things! Next, jump in and get started!