Day 15

Day 15 – Give Generously


“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:19-21


In the first two weeks of this devotional we have begun a journey. In the first week we were reminded that God is the source of all things. Generosity originates with Him. In the second week we were reminded that the key to giving generously is living simply. If we never learn to save (to live within the means that God has given us), we will never love to give. Living simply means prioritizing God, creating margin, and choosing life-change over lifestyle.


In this passage we realize that God is not only the source of our generosity but should also be the focus of our generosity. The reason Jesus gives for focusing your giving on God is: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Mt 6:21).


Your heart is a follower. The terms “follow your heart” or “Go with what your heart says” are bad advice. Here’s why: according to Jesus, your heart is not a leader; it is a follower. Jesus says that your heart follows your treasure. That means that you and I will always have affection for the things that we invest our resources in. Unfortunately, we live in a world that tells us that our greatest investment is in the “here and now”. Jesus reminds us that there will always be a diminishing return when we invest in things that will not last.



Jesus advises us to invest in eternal things…the things of God. Think of this as EROI or Eternal Return on Investment. No investment in the kingdom of God is ever a waste. Not only does that kind of investment ripple into the future of many who may receive Christ or grow in their faith, but it also secures our heart on God.


When we invest in the things of God, we will develop a heart for God. The good news of this passage is this: if you don’t like the focus of your heart, simply move your treasure and eventually your heart will follow. 


This week we are going to see that the Bible has not only challenged us to give, but to give generously. Generous giving takes more than just looking in your wallet during the service at the end of your week and taking the leftovers and giving them to God. It involves intentional, thoughtful, heart-felt, sacrificial investment of God’s resources into God’s work for God’s glory. And the two-fold payoff is advancement of God’s kingdom around you and a heart for God in you.