The Great Commission

The Great Commission


This past weekend we talked through the Tower of Babel and how the people rebelled against God and his specific command to go, disperse, and multiply (be fruitful) in order to repopulate the earth following the flood (Genesis 9:1). Pride led them to think they had it all figured out and really didn't need God or to listen to his commands. That is always a dangerous place to walk.

When you read Matthew 28 and what we refer to in the church as "The Great Commission" there are a lot of parallels to what God commanded the people to do after the flood. However, there is something bigger than to just populate the earth. The church is called to go and share the good news of Jesus, teaching, baptizing and to make disciples.

How is your life matching up with that specific commandment?

I know life can get busy and it is easy to fall prey to the tyranny of the urgent. Let me encourage you to find time this month to prioritize this command in a few simple steps:


  1. Pray daily for someone on your street, workplace, or family member that is far from Jesus.
  2. Have a deeper conversation this month about your faith with another fellow believer. Share what is going well and even areas of concern. Pray together.
  3. If you are married, pray with your spouse about something that is important to them.
  4. Find time with someone that is further down the road in their faith journey and ask them some questions about their journey and something that God is teaching them in this season.

These are just some simple ways (not exhaustive by any means) to begin personalizing the great commission. I look forward to hearing what God does this month as we prioritize his word in our actions.


Written By: Pastor Lee Stephenson