September 2023 Group Leader Update

Thank you for leading a Small Group at Harvest! Watch the video announcement above for your Fall 2023 update. Also, here are a few important details for your group.


Suggested Fall Schedule: September 24 - November 19 (9 weeks)


The goal of Small Groups is to facilitate growth-oriented friendships centered on God’s Word. The focus is on relationships and encouraging attenders’ next steps in following Jesus, as outlined in Harvest‘s Values.


Primary focus: authentic community 
The goal of Community Groups is to facilitate growth-oriented friendships centered on God’s Word. The focus is on community and encouraging growth in following Jesus, as outlined in Harvest‘s Values.


Community groups gather around a common stage of life or interest. These include things like women’s groups, moms of preschoolers, young adult gatherings, and neighborhood-based groups.


Many groups gather to discuss and apply the teaching of the weekly sermon and encourage discipleship. Other groups will focus on a different topic or activity. All groups have a bent toward spiritual growth-- seeking to live out Harvest’s Values in daily life.


How Do I Access Life Application Questions?

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Notes are also always attached with the message online here: